
Web Page Reviews - 2024 - June

Facebook is changing its privacy policy on 6-26-24 and plans to use posts and images to train its AI. To prevent this, you need to object. Here's how. (2024-06)
Facebook privacy policy changes 6-24-26  (keywords: Facebook)
5.25-inch floppy disks expected to help run San Francisco trains until 2030. (2024-06)
Running San Francisco trains  (keywords: Trains, general)
What was radio really like in the 30's? Listen to a complete 19-hour broadcast day of radio station WJSV in Washington D.C. on 9/21/1939 in 1-hour segments. Download them to your PC in MP3 format if you wish. (2024-06)
Radio in the 1930s  (keywords: Radio, general)
Dry Dock Discovery - Silver Spirit: Lengthening a luxury cruise ship. (7-min. video) (2024-06)
Lengthening a luxury cruise ship  (keywords: Nautical, general)
Do I Really Need a VPN at Home? (2024-06)
Need a VPN at home?  (keywords: Security, VPN)
Why locomotives don't have tires. (16-min. video) (2024-06)
Locomotives don't have tires  (keywords: Trains, general)
What is a Black Start of the power grid? (17-min. video) (2024-06)
Black Start of the power grid  (keywords: Electronics, general)
Gordie Howe International Bridge - Collection of over 80 videos depicting the planning and construction of this amazing and expansive transportation project. (2024-06)
Gordie Howe International Bridge  (keywords: Architecture, generalTransportation, general)
A deep dive into the network of Wikipedia and some of the most interesting, bizarre, and unique articles on the web site. (20-min. video) (2024-06)
Network of Wikipedia  (keywords: Internet, general)
The confusing world of USB-C charging explained. (2024-06)
USB-C charging explained  (keywords: Computers, hardware, USB)
How to manage Windows 10 and 11 better with Microsoft's PC Manager. (2024-06)
Microsoft's PC Manager  (keywords: Windows, software)
Mike Rowe cleans out the grime inside a water tower. (A "Dirty Jobs" episode.) (9-min. video) (2024-06)
Cleaning inside a water tower  (keywords: Buildings, general)
A unique granite found on only one island in the world is turned into curling stones. These are the only ones allowed at the Olympic Games. (26-min. video) (2024-06)
Unique granite used for curling stones  (keywords: Sports, curling)
Analysis of PIN numbers - most commonly used, most easily hackable, PIN number lengths, patterns, etc. (2024-06)
Analysis of PIN numbes  (keywords: Security, personal identity)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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