Miscellaneous (5)

Over 2,500 free (and downloadable) Cheat Sheets, Revision Aids, and Quick References (home/garden, language/culture, Windows/Linux, hobbies/leisure, and more). (2017-01)
Cheatography  (keywords: Miscellaneous)
Automatic complaint letter generator. (2004-10)
Pakin - complaint letter generator  (keywords: Miscellaneous)
"Bringing harmony in the home through understanding and aiding the Messie mindset." (2004-09)
Messies Anonymous  (keywords: MiscellaneousOrganization)
Wacky patents, including figures and descriptions. Ever seen any of these contraptions? (2004-09)
Prior wacky patents  (keywords: CuriosityMiscellaneous)
What is going on in the world of stars and other famous people? Check out the People web site for the latest gossip. (2001-01)
AOL - people  (keywords: Miscellaneous)

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