
Web Page Reviews - 2004 - September

Click on the Stupid Marketing link on the left, enter the Museum, and view the Hall of Stupid High Tech Products. Did YOU buy one?? (2004-09)
Beautiful full screen panoramas, many in full 360 degree view, with mouse control. (2004-09)
This Greek site offers a multitude of Mediterranean cuisine and drink recipes. (2004-09)
Gourmed  (keywords: Drinks, generalFood, general)
Game of fifteen. Beat the PC, if you can. It IS possible. (2004-09)
What to do in Michigan - fairs, festivals, farmers' markets, year round sports, and more. (2004-09)
Michigan fun  (keywords: Local, shows & eventsTravel, MI)
Nearly every culture invents a food that is weird or disgusting to outsiders. Here they are. (2004-09)
Spyware Blaster is a free utility that keeps spyware from being installed on your PC. Details and download here. (2004-09)
Siena College offers a collection of PC security info, including descriptions of various free antispyware and online antivirus utilities. (2004-09)
Siena Antivirus  (keywords: PCs, security)
Lots of high quality photography of aircraft shows and museums, and birds, insects and reptiles. (2004-09)
Richard Seaman  (keywords: Museum, generalPhotography, general)
Read the story and then view the video of this car crash. Everybody did survive. (2004-09)
Amphibious cars - photos, some with links to more info. (2004-09)
Church made of Lego blocks, with surprising detail. (2004-09)
A nonpartisan, nonprofit, "consumer advocate" for voters that monitors the factual accuracy of political statements. (2004-09)
Fact check - holding politicians accountable  (keywords: Politics)
Movie fans may enjoy discovering mistakes in films and Easter eggs hidden on movie DVDs. (2004-09)
Movie mistakes  (keywords: CD/DVDMovies, general)
The goal of this project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. You can help. (2004-09)
Degree Confluence Project  (keywords: Geography, generalPhotography, general)
Presidential campaign commercials from 1952-2004. (2004-09)
Virtual tours (360 degree views) of historic British attractions with mouse control. (2004-09)
British tours  (keywords: Panorama, generalTravel, England)
Statistics of over 1000 US cities: maps, satellite photos, race, education, crime, income, and more. (2004-09)
City data  (keywords: Photography, generalStatistics, general)
Check your movie IQ with 3907 film trivia questions. (2004-09)
View graphical display of presidential election results back to 1789. (2004-09)
270 Electoral votes to be elected  (keywords: Politics)
Collection of dozens of potentially addictive free online games. (2004-09)
Ignore the sales pitches and you will discover a gallery of the history, building, and playing of bagpipes. (2004-09)
Wacky patents, including figures and descriptions. Ever seen any of these contraptions? (2004-09)
Prior wacky patents  (keywords: CuriosityMiscellaneous)
Murphy's Laws on computing, photography, mothers, law, love, and more. (2004-09)
Free utility creates an Internet Explorer homepage out of your Favorites list. (2004-09)
"Bringing harmony in the home through understanding and aiding the Messie mindset." (2004-09)
Messies Anonymous  (keywords: MiscellaneousOrganization)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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