PCs, games (6)

Tile elimination game. Several playing formats. (2006-09)
Tile game  (keywords: Internet, entertainmentPCs, games)
Free games to play online or download. (2006-06)
Online games by Free Online Games  (keywords: Games, onlinePCs, gamesSoftware, free)
Keep out of trouble by playing this collection of online games. (2005-03)
Addicting games  (keywords: PCs, entertainmentPCs, games)
Move mouse left or right to keep drunk on his feet at this German language site (has sound). Click on splash screen to play. (2005-02)
Silvester Party 2004  (keywords: PCs, entertainmentPCs, games)
Topple the bears (a few seconds of fun). (2005-02)
Nobody here  (keywords: PCs, entertainmentPCs, games)
What about playing a game of pool? At this site you can play with one or two people. (Do a search on "pool".) (2000-05)
Shockwave pool  (keywords: PCs, games)

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