
Web Page Reviews - 2003 - June

Why do you need this?? A collection of actual patented inventions that you will never see. (2003-06)
Totally absurd  (keywords: Fun)
The creativity of duct tape. Art gallery, practical jokes, suggested uses (some rather wacky), in the movies, holiday uses, fashion…..incredible! (2003-06)
Some stunning photography of the Arctic, although individual photos are not identified as to subject or location. Register to gain access to a larger gallery. (2003-06)
Artic Images - picture gallery  (keywords: Photography, general)
This site categorizes and evaluates various Internet sites and creates Top 10 lists. Arts, science, music, sports, shopping, health, news... (2003-06)
Roadside art galore. Petrol pumps, drive in and movie theaters, neon signs, historic sites, route 66, bowling alley marquees, and more. (2003-06)
Roadside Peek  (keywords: Travel, general)
The American Numismatic Association maintains a virtual coinage museum with several exhibits and collections Pioneer Gold, Vermont Copper, Medieval coins, Imperial Russia, early Japanese paper, and more. (Click on the "Visit the ANA Money Museum" link.) (2003-06)
Money - moneymus  (keywords: Finances, general)
Keep abreast of upcoming music CDs a week ahead of release dates. Ice Magazine also has news and links to artists/bands, labels, radio stations, music periodicals, and a song facts/lyrics library. (2003-06)
This compulsive international addressing guide describes conventions used in addressing snail mail from within the US to other countries and localities. Address it right the first time. (2003-06)
Guide to postal addresses  (keywords: Postal info)
The Illustrated Guide to Breaking Your Computer. An activity for a very rainy day. (Warning: Read the Appendices at the bottom of this website first.) (2003-06)
invalid URL removed
A rock and roll reference discography. Browse or search by group, album, song, or quote. Although not perfect, it is very expansive. (2003-06)
The official US Central Command (Iraq) site, with press releases, press briefings, photo galleries, leaflet galleries, and a video vault. (2003-06)
CENTCOM  (keywords: Government, general)
PC/Palm/Mac 'simple but deep' games to play online in your browser window. (2003-06)
The Iraqi Freedom playing card set. (Loads slow, lots of graphics.) (2003-06)
What do you do when your PC beeps at you while unsuccessfully booting up? Check the BIOS beep codes here to narrow down the system ailment. Other BIOS and CMOS info also available. (2003-06)
A fascinating modern twist on Rube Goldberg's work, using Honda auto parts. Download 3 Meg file from here. (2003-06)
The University of Texas maintains an enormous online library of maps: cities, countries, regions, political, historical, linguistic, wars, faiths, and more. All are in the public domain and are thus downloadable. (2003-06)
Before you discard your old reformatted hard drive, do you realize how readily available the old data is? This article discusses vulnerabilities and how best to sanitize the drive. (2003-06)
A collection of kite aerial photography, taken in the San Francisco area. (2003-06)
Advice and opinions on many aspects of state, federal, and international law covering bankruptcy, divorce, wills / trusts / estates, intellectual, criminal, and more topics. Many articles and law forms available. (2003-06)
All Law  (keywords: Law, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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