
Web Page Reviews - 2003 - May

This site from the Electronic Frontier Foundation provides information on how to make your life on the internet safer and more secure. Topics include:
Do not reveal personal information inadvertently.
Turn on cookie notices in your Web browser, and/or use cookie management software.
Keep a "clean" email address.
Realize you may be monitored at work.
Avoid sending highly personal email to mailing lists.
Keep sensitive files on your home computer.
Use encryption!
Are you looking for new employment? At Motor City Help Wanted you can search by the field you are interested in or by the area of the city that you want to work. You are able to post your resume. The best thing is that the jobs that are listed here are for Detroit and the surrounding area. (2003-05)
Motor City help wanted  (keywords: Careers)
You can find cooking tips and delicious meals at the Swanson web site. You can receive a weekly newsletter with recipes and cooking and entertainment tips. There is also a recipe box where you can store your new recipes. (2003-05)
Swanson Broth  (keywords: Food, general)
Are you tired of seeing that cursor arrow on your screen? Replace it. Check out Comet Zone and you can chose from 100's of cursors, animals, celebrities, holidays, science and TV. (2003-05)
Here is the spot for trivia, puzzles, and humor. (2003-05)
Do you like almonds? This site is by the Almond board of California. It all the information that you want regarding almonds. You will even find recipes for some real lushes dishes using almonds. (2003-05)
Shop for new furniture from home at You select the type of furniture and the style that you are interested in and you will be given pictures of the various styles that are available and the cost of each piece. Be sure to check out the room planner. It lets you select the room size and then fill it with furniture, doors, windows and plants. (2003-05)
Furniture  (keywords: Home, furnishings)
Are you serious about walking, biking, hiking, or cross country skiing? This site will get you into an organized vacation for a five star adventure. (2003-05)
Backroads  (keywords: Sports, bicycling)
MM good. If you are looking for some recipes using Campbell's soup, check out the Campbell's soup site. You can find recipes for cheese bread, chili, Italian chicken, Deli Sandwich, and hundreds more. (2003-05)
Campbell Soup  (keywords: Food, general)
Are you looking for some special items for your kitchen? Check out you may just find that item that you just can't find in the stores. They have bakeware, cookware, cutlery, and cook books and even some really super clearance specials. (2003-05)
For the history buffs, here is a site from PBS for information on the history of the USA from 1765 to 2002. (2003-05)
PBS - A History Of Us  (keywords: History, general)
Are you looking for a source for international news? Google collects articles from over 4,500 sources worldwide and it arranges them on one page that is organized by subject headings. (2003-05)
Google news  (keywords: News, generalSearch)
You have ordered that latest piece of computer equipment yesterday and it has not arrived yet. Where is it? You can track it by entering the tracking number and the site will tell you where it was last. You can check on shipments from 57 different carriers including Airborne, FedEx, the US Postal Service and UPS. (2003-05)
Pack track  (keywords: Shipping)
There was a recall on a playpen but was it one that we have at our home? Now you can check on the list of product recalls at the FDA web site. You will find a list of warranty recalls and product safety warnings. (2003-05)
Food and Drug Adm - recalls, withdrawals, and safety alerts  (keywords: ConsumersGovernment, general)
What do all those error messages mean that you get when you are trying to access web pages? Webopedia will explain what they mean. (2003-05)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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