Government, general (45)

The National Gallery of Art offers virtual tours of their works. Start with the "Collection" or "Exhibitions" options. (2020-05)
National Gallery of Art  (keywords: Art, generalGovernment, general)
Michigan Item Pricing Law - don't get cheated at the register, but know the rules. (2007-11)
Item Pricing Law  (keywords: Government, generalLaw, shoppingLocal, generalShopping, general)
US Supreme Court docket, decisions, arguments, briefs, rules, and visitor's guide with pictures. (2006-03)
US Supreme Court  (keywords: Government, generalLaw, general)
Support our US troops with mail and suggested care package items. (2006-03)
Support troops  (keywords: Government, generalMilitary, generalWar, general)
Statistics regarding baby name popularity, SSA benefits for children, child proofing your home, toy and product recalls, and more. (2006-02)
Baby names  (keywords: Government, generalPeople, general)
Lists of heads of state and heads of government of all countries and territories, many dating back to 1700's. (2005-10)
Rulers of the world  (keywords: Government, generalHistory, general)
Dept. of Energy site tracks current nation wide gas prices, and economic uses, plus crude oil and natural gas prices. (2005-09)
Gasoline prices by US government  (keywords: EnergyGovernment, generalLocal, general)
CIA World Factbook knows just about everything about everyone. View/download Factbooks 2000 - 2005. (2005-06)
CIA World Facts  (keywords: Geography, generalGovernment, generalHistory, generalTrivia)
Meet the pets of presidents. Go to 'pets'. (2005-05)
Presidential pets  (keywords: Animals, generalGovernment, general)
National Terror Alert Resource and Information Center advises about potential alerts with many Preparedness and Planning guides and checklists. Don't be paranoid, just prepared. (2005-01)
National Terror Alert & Resource Information Center  (keywords: Government, general)
Click on “Elections and Voting” here for explanation of the Electoral College voting process. (2004-02)
Federal Election Commission  (keywords: Government, general)
Over 4000 panoramic pictures from the two previous centuries. Beauty contests, disasters, bridges, canals, fairs, military and naval activities, schools and college campuses, sports, landscapes and transportation. (2004-01)
Library of Congress - Taking the Long View  (keywords: Government, generalHistory, generalPhotography, general)
The Consumer Information Catalog (a.k.a. the “Pueblo” catalog) now offers most of their documents online for reading and downloading, in .PDF format. Click on “What's New@FCIC" for the latest additions. (2004-01)
Free newspaper and magazine offers  (keywords: ConsumersGovernment, general)
Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Services is gathering examples from consumers about changes to their home/auto insurance rates. This may lead to greater consumer protection. Form FIS 0035 is found here. (2004-01)
Michigan Insurance Rate Disparity Complaint  (keywords: Government, generalInsurance)
All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. ; Free access and downloads here. (2004-01)
Securities and Exchange Commission - Edgar  (keywords: Government, general)
Our Government suggests that we not be afraid of potential terrorism, but rather just be prepared. Their Homeland Security site explains why and how. (2004-01)
Ready  (keywords: Government, general)
View thousands of paintings and sculptures at the National Gallery of Art. Searchable by artist or title. (2003-12)
National Gallery of Art  (keywords: Art, generalGovernment, general)
A searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. (2003-11)
NASA - visible earth  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)
This website is intended to be a clearinghouse of information on Michigan's highways, from easily recognized facts to the little known trivia. (2003-11)
Michigan highways  (keywords: Government, generalLocal, general)
The official US Central Command (Iraq) site, with press releases, press briefings, photo galleries, leaflet galleries, and a video vault. (2003-06)
CENTCOM  (keywords: Government, general)
There was a recall on a playpen but was it one that we have at our home? Now you can check on the list of product recalls at the FDA web site. You will find a list of warranty recalls and product safety warnings. (2003-05)
Food and Drug Adm - recalls, withdrawals, and safety alerts  (keywords: ConsumersGovernment, general)
Do you own a yottabyte hard drive? How about a zettabyte? What's a neper? Or an astro unit? What's the true definition of a megabyte? You may be surprised! It's all at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's "Constants, Units and Uncertainty" site. (2003-04)
National Institute of Standards and Technology - units  (keywords: Government, generalReference, general)
Are you trying to find information on the IRS or SSA or other departments of the Federal Government? This site has links to over 47 million pages with information from all three branches of the federal government. There is a tutorial for new users. You can download forms. You can even find out about consumer product recalls. (2003-01)
US Government's official web portal  (keywords: Government, generalReference, general)
Are the kids working on a school project and they need to add a graph? Here is an easy to use site that will help them put their information together and then create area, bar and line graphs and pie charts. (2002-11)
National Center for Educational Statistics - create a graph  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)
If you are interested in the Presidents, you can get information on all of them from George Washington to George Bush. (2002-09)
White House - presidents  (keywords: Government, generalWhite House)
Are you a history buff? Do you find the first ladies of the USA of interest? You can get information from Martha Dandridge Custis Washington to Laura Welch Bush. (2002-09)
White House - first families  (keywords: Government, generalWhite House)
As you are traveling through the internet check out this site from the Library of Congress. It will provide you with links to Portals from over 60 different countries around the world. (2002-09)
Library of Congress - portals to the world  (keywords: Government, general)
Are you concerned about staying healthy while you are away from home? These two sites will help answer your questions. (2002-09)
Trip prep  (keywords: Travel, general)
CDC - travel  (keywords: Government, generalTravel, general)
If you are interested in studying the countries of the world you will want to visit this site from the Library of Congress. It has chosen specialists for each of 60 countries who have create links to what they think are the best web sites on that country. The links are divided by topics. (2002-05)
Library of Congress - portals to the world  (keywords: Government, general)
Are you a want to be astronomer? Check out the latest solar pictures at: (2002-01)
NASA - latest images  (keywords: Astronomy, generalGovernment, general)
The National Space Science Data Center displays their photographic resources of images and photos of the Earth, Moon, planets, asteroids and comets. (2001-12)
NASA - photo gallery  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)
With the recent events we find ourselves in a new and not better world. The Federal Center for Disease Control has a web site that contains information on anthrax. It also provides answers to frequently asked questions. For the most accurate and up to date information go to: (2001-11)
CDC - disease information  (keywords: Government, generalMedical, general)
Do you have questions on health or safety while you are traveling around the world? These sites may help. (2001-09)
CDC - travel  (keywords: Government, generalTravel, general)
invalid URL removed
The Visible Earth is a searchable collection of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. Many images taken from satellites, with written descriptions to make identification easier. (2001-06)
NASA - visible earth  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)
Another site that might be of interest is the Social Security Administration if you are thinking about retiring. (2001-05)
Social Security Administration  (keywords: Finances, taxesGovernment, generalRetirement, general)
Do you like to go out to the farmers markets? This site will give you dates, times, and locations by state. (2001-05)
AMS Farmers Markets  (keywords: FunGovernment, general)
If you are thinking of a trip to the state of Alaska you will want to check out these sites. (2001-05)
Alaska  (keywords: Government, generalTravel, AK)
Travel Alaska  (keywords: Travel, AK)
What time is it? This site displays the official US time for various time zones. Site also links to exhibits on timekeeping history, calendars, clock mechanisms, and the why's of DST. (2001-04)
Time  (keywords: Government, generalTime, general)
Government at a glance: Links to various state / local / county / city government Web sites on taxes, tourism, insurance, libraries, government branches, culture, etc. (2001-04)
State and local government on the net  (keywords: Government, general)
Speaking about government, unfortunately, the 4/16/2001 deadline is coming soon so this site for the U.S. Internal Revenue may be of useful in obtaining forms and needed information. (2001-03)
IRS  (keywords: Government, general)
When bad things happen to your good name... All the identity thief needs is your SSN, your name and date of birth, and they are you. Be aware of scams and hoaxes. Be careful, cautious, and curious when releasing personal info. This site has all the info to help you protect your identity. (2001-02)
Consumer protection - ID theft  (keywords: Government, general)
When will the Stock Market crash again? Considering bonds? Fixed income investing how to guides, news and yields can be found at these locations. (2000-10)
Bonds Online  (keywords: Investing)
Treasury - Bureau of Public Debt  (keywords: Finances, generalGovernment, general)
Our first stop is Washington and a stop at the National Gallery of Art. The museum contains over 100,000 paintings, drawings, photographs, and prints. (2000-03)
National Gallery of Art  (keywords: Art, generalGovernment, general)
Did you know that the Michigan secretary of state's Office sells your name and address (and who knows what else) culled from driver's licenses, vehicle registrations, titles, and personal ID cards to mass marketers and others? The only way to remove your name from their lists is by processing and opt out form (electronic form available here). (2000-02)
Michigan Secretary of State opt out  (keywords: Government, general)
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center has two sites for space exploration (one especially geared towards younger potential astronauts). (1999-11)
NASA - kids  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)

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