
Web Page Reviews - 2004 - June

Your PC malfunctions because it is missing a key .DLL file? Look here for it. (2004-06)
DLL files  (keywords: Computers, helpSoftware, general)
Convert English text to any of several comic dialects. (2004-06)
Rink works - dialectizer  (keywords: Language, generalPCs, entertainment)
Four hundred tongue twisters. Repeat after me? quickly! (2004-06)
The Mother of All Excuses website. An excuse for every occasion. (2004-06)
The Mother of All Excuses  (keywords: PCs, entertainment)
McAfee's Internet Connection Speedometer. Are you getting the speed for which you are paying? (2004-06)
McAfee - internet speedometer  (keywords: Computers, helpInternet, general)
Dozens of free online arcade games to play. Fast PC recommended. (2004-06)
Miniclip  (keywords: Games, onlinePCs, entertainment)
Symantec Corp offers online security and virus scans and attack traces. If your protection software is not up to date, take advantage of this opportunity. (2004-06)
Interesting stories and fascinating facts. Endless inquisitiveness. Each page leads to more. (2004-06)
Click-N-Ship service from the USPS. Calculate rates, print labels, pay postage, and even get free Delivery Confirmation. Visit the link below, and enter source code: D0005. (2004-06)
USPS - Click-N-Ship  (keywords: Postal info)
Help the Fly Guy fly. See what's going on up there. (2004-06)
Trevorvanmeter fly guy  (keywords: PCs, entertainment)
Take the BBC's Senses Challenge of 20 timed questions. (2004-06)
Virtual Religion Index analyzes and highlights important content of religion related websites for research and entertainment. Hyperlinks to homepages, directories, and documents. (2004-06)
Free on line translator between many popular languages. (2004-06)
Virtual tours of the US Treasury building. (2004-06)
A collection of worst country song titles. (2004-06)
Four Yeti Sports games with penguins. (2004-06)
Gallery of Unfortunate Cards. Greeting cards you probably wouldn't send. (2004-06)
Capn Wacky - cards  (keywords: Humor, generalPCs, entertainment)
Reminders of the significance of Memorial Day. (2004-06)
US Memorial Day  (keywords: Holidays, generalMilitary, generalWar, general)
Virtual Markets Memorial Day page  (keywords: Holidays, generalMilitary, generalWar, general)
Cool dog site of the day, since 1996. (2004-06)
Dog Mark  (keywords: Animals, dogs)
Collection of keyboard shortcuts with Windows XP Home edition. (2004-06)
A Windows tune. Is it noise? Or, is it music?? (2004-06)
Build a better WinXP boot diskette... for free. (2004-06)
Tips on how to survive situations involving personal safety, travel, dating, golf, work, and more. (2004-06)
List of 11 "intelligence" questions. How well did YOU do? (2004-06)
Long list of oxymoron. (2004-06)
Oxymoron list  (keywords: Language, generalOxymorons)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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