Photography, history (8)

The Library of Congress displays 19,600 historical photos. (2013-10)
Local history photos  (keywords: Photography, history)
Thousands of pictures from 1850 to 1950. Click on any of the very small pictures, then a second time for a picture larger than your screen, with amazing detail. Other historical photo galleries available too. (2012-11)
Shorpy  (keywords: Photography, history)
Collections of pictures and videos from each decade of the 20th century. (2011-11)
1900s pictures/videos  (keywords: Photography, history)
View history through photos uploaded and matched to geographical locations around the world. (2011-10)
History pin  (keywords: History, generalPhotography, history)
North American Indian photo collection of over 2000 images from 1907-1930. (2011-02)
N. Amer. Indian photos  (keywords: Photography, history)
View 1200 of the10 billion digital records of the National Archives. (2009-11)
National Archives  (keywords: Museum, generalPhotography, history)
Photographer records events that "should not be forgotten and must not be repeated". (2008-02)
James Nachtwey  (keywords: Photography, history)
Uniquely flashed images of the abandoned West - ghost towns, abandoned military sites, aircraft, and vehicles. (2007-11)
Lost America  (keywords: Photography, historyPhotography, scenery)

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