
Web Page Reviews - 1999 - September

The WYSIWYG WEB WATCH kicks off another club year. Many of you haven't yet offered your very favorite hangout spot on the web. OK, how about your second favorite? Until we get yours here's some of our suggestions on cooler season travel, jobs, cooking, 'putter jargon and poetry (!), and our USotM, among other topics. (1999-09)
Have you taken that well deserved vacation yet? Are you planning to go at Christmas or maybe even tomorrow? Before you go any further in your planning, check out some of these web sites. They can be quicker than calling a travel agent, they may help you save money, and you will find more information that you can possible want. If you are going by plane, train, or automobile these sites can be extremely helpful. (1999-09)
If you are traveling by car you can plot your route and book your hotel through AAA. (1999-09)
AAA  (keywords: Travel, general)
Let's make a deal, everyone wants one, right? Try these sites: (1999-09)
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Travelocity  (keywords: Travel, general)
How about dealing directly with the airlines? Virgin Atlantic will offer cut rate fares for trips such as $228 round trip to London from selected cities. (1999-09)
Virgin Airlines  (keywords: Airline, general)
Delta Air  (keywords: Airline, general)
American Airlines  (keywords: Airline, general)
Continental Airlines  (keywords: Airline, general)
Southwest Airlines  (keywords: Airline, generalTravel, general)
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Looking for a hotel? (1999-09)
Some top travel bargain sites (1999-09)
One Travel  (keywords: Travel, general)
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Check for the best air deals anytime you wish to travel day  (keywords: Travel, general)
Do you like auctions? At these sites you set your itinerary and name your price. If you are the high bidder you are on your way to that paradise away from home. (1999-09)
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Priceline tickets  (keywords: Travel, general)
Going Going Gone  (keywords: Travel, general)
Have you missed any of Heather Newman's computer columns in the Free Press? Here's where you'll find the past year's worth of her valuable articles. (Can we get her back here for another inspiring tech talk?) (1999-09)
Going Going Gone  (keywords: Travel, general)
Tired of that same ol' job? Need some help preparing to seek out a better one? This site boasts as listing 'the most jobs on the web'. Well, maybe, but it does offer help with resumes, cover letters, interviewing, negotiations, and such. (1999-09)
Career Builder  (keywords: Careers)
Waiting for your email to download? Bide your time with "Computer Songs and Poems". Something here for everyone. (Overwhelmed? Start with "A is for Apple"). (1999-09)
Computer songs and poems  (keywords: Fun)
"Everything Email teaches readers that email is much more than just sending a message." Tips, glossary, software, services, discussion groups, newsletters, address lookups, and more. (1999-09)
Recipes "for young cooks or old hands, accomplished chefs or urban grillers", complete with nutritional information. Enter the number of servings you want and the ingredient quantities are adjusted. Hit this site and click on the Recipe tab (skips past the salesman). Peanut Soup's on! (1999-09)
Why do Web sites use something called cookies? The 'Free Online Dictionary of Computing' spits out more than 12,000 computer terms, from operating systems lingo to hacker jargon. (If the server is busy, try one of the "other FOLDOC servers".) (1999-09)
Another health site? Yup, but you can research your most awkward questions with complete privacy. Answers are frank, comprehensive, and scrupulously researched. Go ask Alice: (1999-09)
Go Ask Alice  (keywords: Reference, general)
Bonanza! We hit pay dirt! Here's a sizable list of kid friendly web sites. From preschoolers to interest in science, math, sports, and outdoor fun. This web page is from the Detroit News 8/21/1999 issue. Since the News has a history of occasionally charging to see back issues online, check the second site (the News mentions it as their source). That site lists 100 kid friendly and parent friendly sites. Turn off the TV and log in: (1999-09)
Detroit News kid sites  (keywords: Children, generalLocal, Detroit, generalNewspapers, general)
Net Mom  (keywords: Internet, general)
Want to invest your hard earned pay but don't know a bank CD from an audio CD? Well none of us are that ill informed. But if you know nothing about mutual funds, this site leads you through the investment thicket with several good investment tools. Why not start with "What is a Mutual Fund?" (1999-09)
Do you like alcoholic artistry and some really hip music? This is your site: "HR's Three Rivers City Beer Dancers" (takes a bit to load everything, but you'll only do it once). (1999-09)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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