Children, general (5)

Educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10, for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. (2020-10)
GCompris educational software suite  (keywords: Children, general)
Collection of individual coloring book pages; download and print for free -- seasons, holidays, nature, more. (2016-09)
Coloring books  (keywords: Art, generalChildren, general)
This site uses a unique rating system to help guide parents in locating child appropriate movies. (2005-02)
Kids in mind  (keywords: Children, generalMovies, general)
Are you involved with finding missing children? There is a program that can help to speed the process along. Through a federal grant you are able to get a free computer, scanner, printer, software and customer support. To learn more on this program, go to: (2002-11)
Missing kids  (keywords: Children, general)
Bonanza! We hit pay dirt! Here's a sizable list of kid friendly web sites. From preschoolers to interest in science, math, sports, and outdoor fun. This web page is from the Detroit News 8/21/1999 issue. Since the News has a history of occasionally charging to see back issues online, check the second site (the News mentions it as their source). That site lists 100 kid friendly and parent friendly sites. Turn off the TV and log in: (1999-09)
Detroit News kid sites  (keywords: Children, generalLocal, Detroit, generalNewspapers, general)
Net Mom  (keywords: Internet, general)

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