A much more affordable (free!) alternative to MS Office is the Word and Excel suite available here. Works with Win 9x/NT/2000. Also includes an image editor. (Graded by PC Magazine as "damn good".) (2000-10)
Lighthouse fans, your ship has landed! This is a great site with dozens of photos and brief descriptions (US and overseas). (2000-10)
Another map site? Yes, but here you get to pick the map theme (physical, political, cultural, climate and weather, street level, employment, population, and income) and dive in. (2000-10)
This section of the AutoSite contains automotive repair and maintenance descriptions, with text and graphics, with the novice in mind. It also allows troubleshooting on specific problems using sensory clues (smell, feel, sight, hearing). (2000-10)
"Man cannot live by bread alone. He must have peanut butter." It's all here, history, health, and p. b. heaven. (2000-10)
A study of shoes of the twentieth century, with scenes and shoe advertisements from individual decades, and descriptions and rotatable views of LOTS of shoes. (2000-10)
Got spare change? This site boasts having the most powerful and exciting tools to make an educated purchase on whatever you're shopping for. Here you can research a product, read opinions on it, and compare buying options. (2000-10)
A search engine used to find photos and other images the same way you typically search for text. (2000-10)
Useless sites of the month: Take out your political frustrations with an egg toss and watch the US presidents dance. (2000-10)
Egg vote
(keywords: Fun)
Many interesting, interactive, and educational views (and some just nosey) from live web cams around the globe. (2000-10)
Although these are local realtors' sites, there are many aerial photos here of S.E. Michigan area and a link to Detroit News articles, photos, and diagrams of the Tigers' new home, Comerica Park. (2000-10)
Here's how it was before the creation of Windows. At this site you will find DOS discussion and command line programs which you can download (especially useful on your lightning fast 8088/80286 pc). (2000-10)
Two very comprehensive financial glossaries. (2000-10)
When will the Stock Market crash again? Considering bonds? Fixed income investing how to guides, news and yields can be found at these locations. (2000-10)
A mish mash of information such as discussions of MP3, fonts, creating/animating/publicizing web sites, weird foods, a clever Cat Manual, and more. (2000-10)
Everything political: federal and state representatives, committees, votes, laws, federal departments lists and information, watchdog groups, parties and party organizations links, reference links, and politically correct (and incorrect) humor. (2000-10)
Common errors in English - "The aim if this site is to help you avoid low grades, lost employment opportunities, lost business, and titters of amusement at the way you write or speak." (2000-10)