
Web Page Reviews - 2001 - April

Find the lyrics to numerous tunes at this site (it may link you to a secondary site, depending on your choice). (2001-04)
AZ Lyrics  (keywords: Music, general)
Selected by Barrons, Kiplingers, Money, ZDTV, Business Week and many other investment media as an obsessively detailed guide to over 20,000 significant investing and money management sites on the Web. (2001-04)
Government at a glance: Links to various state / local / county / city government Web sites on taxes, tourism, insurance, libraries, government branches, culture, etc. (2001-04)
State and local government on the net  (keywords: Government, general)
The National Gardening Association promotes this site for the green thumb gardener in each of us. Everything from bulbs to herbs to lawns to garden pests. Also a gardening dictionary and plant name finder. And a gardening section for kids. (2001-04)
National Gardening  (keywords: Gardening, general)
The Free On Line Dictionary of Computing will not only present you with definitions of computer terms, but also on occasion direct you to a related web site for further discovery. The Dictionary is also downloadable as a text file. (2001-04)
What time is it? This site displays the official US time for various time zones. Site also links to exhibits on timekeeping history, calendars, clock mechanisms, and the why's of DST. (2001-04)
Time  (keywords: Government, generalTime, general)
Although primarily a site for buyers and traders, this site has descriptions and photos of dozens of old bottles including torpedoes, figurals, hair, beer, and many more types. (2001-04)
Antique bottles  (keywords: Antiques)
The Federal Reserve Bank has assembled this informative exhibit of American currency, with exhibits of old bills and descriptions of artistic details. While there, you may find their glossary of banking terms handy. (2001-04)
American currency exhibit  (keywords: History, general)
Rather than risk plunking down big bucks for a cinematic dud, consult this site first for various newspaper reviews of current releases and new videos. (2001-04)
Improve your writing, impress your boss, by avoiding cliches on that letter or report. Also get definitions of cliches here. (2001-04)
Campaign financing: Who gave and who got financial support in Washington and at the state level. This site is a guide to the money in American elections. (2001-04)
Open secrets  (keywords: Politics)
M.C. Escher was truly one of a kind. Here you can observe some of his artworks, plus take a virtual ride through some of them, and download an interactive Escher puzzle. (2001-04)
M C Escher  (keywords: Art, general)
Find Tutorials is a web index and search engine dedicated to bringing you the best of the web's tutorials and online courses. Some are free to use. (2001-04)
Find tutorials  (keywords: Reference, general)
Can't get it off? This site will supply you with a cleaning routine to remove all sorts of things from other things. (2001-04)
How to clean anything  (keywords: Reference, general)
This site is devoted to the Fab Four's anthology of No. 1 hits, and includes snapshots and videos of the creative pop group. (2001-04)
The Beatles  (keywords: Music, general)
Are you getting more email but enjoying it less? Then get what you want by subscribing to any of dozens of free email newsletters. (2001-04)
After you've found your dream home, you still got to get there with all your stuff. This site guides you through the relocation process: real time mover quotes, cost comparison chart, neighborhood statistics (crime, population, schools, etc.). Also mortgage/financing info and agent referral if you are still looking. (2001-04)
Before CDs there were cassettes; before them were 8 tracks. Links, classifieds, essays, photos, and sound clips (even one of a tape changing tracks) bring it all back again. (2001-04)
8 Track Heaven  (keywords: History, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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