
Web Page Reviews - 2002 - February

Everything Olympics 2002: Complete run down of Winter Games events and broadcast schedules, athlete biographies, country profiles, virtual tours of venues, and interactive judging elements. Also information on the Paralympics and the Olympic Arts Festival. The second site offers 360 degree views of many Olympic slopes, rinks, and tracks. (2002-02)
An Olympics primer on the rings, flame, mascots, commercialism, drugs, medals, politics, host cities, committees, and more. (2002-02)
Additional Olympic sites: (2002-02)
Utah Education Network Olympic 2002  (keywords: Olympics)
NBC Olympics  (keywords: Olympics)
The DVD Journal relates to movies, and in the DVD format. They list news of upcoming releases, dates for new DVD releases, reviews of movies released on DVD, and a DVD lexicon. (2002-02)
DVD Journal  (keywords: CD/DVD)
Walgreen's' history, with old photos of soda fountain jerks, and a chocolate malted milk recipe. (2002-02)
Gamers will find these sites useful. They contain selected game reviews/previews (some Xbox and PS2 also), patches, hardware drivers, demos, articles, and more. (2002-02)
File Planet  (keywords: Games, general)
View the 95 year history of the electric vacuum cleaner here, complete with vintage photos of many makes and models. Listen for that familiar sound when you get here. (2002-02)
Fight "Spyware". AdAware is a free program, which scans your PC for known advertising systems and lets you remove them safely. It scans your memory, registry and file system. Get it here, now! (2002-02)
See where your charitable donation goes before you contribute. View mission/purpose, executive profiles, financial balance sheets (detailed revenue and expenses), actual IRS documents, tips, and more. Make an informed choice before parting with your cash. (2002-02)
Give  (keywords: Charities)
Guide star  (keywords: Charities)
Webteacher offers an online Web Tutorial, discussing menus, browsers, HTTP, Internet addressing, navigating the web, URLs, email, protocols, FTP file transfer, searching engines, gateways, image/sound/movie file formats, newsgroups, chat groups, and much more. (2002-02)
Internet error messages? CMTS? Country domain extensions? DSL? Data format extensions? Server types? Text message abbreviations? All the answers to your PC questions are at this online dictionary for computer and Internet technology. (2002-02)
Webopedia  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
A truly high tech clock for your PC. (2002-02)
Free Answers provides a natural language interface for searching the support knowledge bases of Microsoft, Intuit and Adobe products. (2002-02)
Free answers  (keywords: Reference, general)
Here you will find a group of entertaining "war stories" about the early computer industry. (2002-02)
invalid URL removed
This selection starts with a world mapping and impact of the top 10 worldwide viruses (by location or name). Clicking on any of the listed viruses leads to a second site. Click on 'Security Info' for a very informative virus encyclopedia, primer, and glossary. Click on 'Free Tools' for a free online virus check of your PC, plus virus checkers for PDAs. (2002-02)
Investigate the sources of first names, and check their meanings and popularity over the decades. (What does 'Belinda' or 'Roger' really mean?) (2002-02)
Behind the name  (keywords: People, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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