Use the free VLC (VideoLAN) software to play DVDs on a Windows PC with no internal DVD support. (2024-12)
Best tools for ripping DVDs and Blu-rays to your computer. (2021-09)
Burn your ISO and CD/DVD image files to various CD/DVD media. (2012-06)
Create a PDF file which can be printed and folded to create a detailed paper CD case. Also searches and imports data for commercial discs. (2010-03)
Everything DVD video - software tools, DIY guides, reviews of players/recorders, media, and more. (2006-12)
Movie fans may enjoy discovering mistakes in films and Easter eggs hidden on movie DVDs. (2004-09)
This site offers understandable and accessible info about CD-R and CD-RW technology, including labeling, handling, and storage, plus recording hard/software and file system standards. (2004-04)
The DVD Journal relates to movies, and in the DVD format. They list news of upcoming releases, dates for new DVD releases, reviews of movies released on DVD, and a DVD lexicon. (2002-02)