People, general (13)

Most popular middle names in the decade you were born. (2024-05)
Popular middle names  (keywords: People, general)
Most popular baby names from the year you were born. (2024-05)
Popular baby names  (keywords: People, general)
The man who gatecrashes funerals - Bill Edgar, the "Coffin Confessor". (14-min. video) (2022-11)
"Coffin Convessor"  (keywords: Health, deathPeople, general)
Population shifts from 10,000 BC to present. You might choose to pause the video occasionally. (2 minute video) (2019-09)
Population shifts  (keywords: People, general)
Riveting talks by remarkable people. Select "View all tags" to display all talk subjects. (2009-12)
Talks  (keywords: News, generalPeople, general)
If the world's population were reduced to 100, it would look something like this. Just select a language. (2009-05)
World population  (keywords: People, general)
Statistics regarding baby name popularity, SSA benefits for children, child proofing your home, toy and product recalls, and more. (2006-02)
Baby names  (keywords: Government, generalPeople, general)
Michigan public sex offender registry site. Search by name or zip code. (2005-12)
Michigan Sex Offenders  (keywords: Law, generalPeople, general)
Online dictionary and reference guide on origin and meaning of first names. (2005-09)
Names  (keywords: People, general)
Search out and connect with classmates from your educational youth. (2004-12)
Classmates Dot Com  (keywords: People, general)
Discover birthdates of famous people. Search by name, year, month, or date. (2004-10)
Famous birthdays  (keywords: History, generalPeople, general)
Do you know what your first name means? Now you can find out what it means and where the name originates. You can find out how popular your name is and how popular it was when you started to use it. (2002-09)
Behind the name  (keywords: People, general)
Investigate the sources of first names, and check their meanings and popularity over the decades. (What does 'Belinda' or 'Roger' really mean?) (2002-02)
Behind the name  (keywords: People, general)

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