Charities (11)

Find Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and non-profit organizations committed to fighting hunger in all states (800 in Michigan). (2015-09)
Food banks  (keywords: CharitiesLocal, general)
Find a local charity that will pick up your donations for free. (2015-03)
Donation pick-up  (keywords: Charities)
Charities rated on their financial health and efficiency. (2006-03)
Charities rated  (keywords: Charities)
Operation Gratitude ships care packages to service persons worldwide. See wish lists and view recipient photos and stories. Donations welcome. (2005-05)
Operation Gratitude  (keywords: CharitiesMilitary, general)
How do you know whether a charitable organization is reputable? This site collects and distributes info on hundreds of such organizations. Browse their Charity Reports to separate administrative costs from program funds. How is your donation really being spent? (2003-12)
Give  (keywords: Charities)
The American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) is a qualified nonprofit organization for the purpose of providing educational and other services to American charities regarding gift annuities and other forms of planned gifts. Definitions at the site. (2003-02)
American Council of Gift Annuities  (keywords: Charities)
Have you been taking care of your heart? The American Heart Association offer information on warning signs of heart trouble, diseases and conditions, events that are taking place in the community, and information for having a healthier life style. (2002-03)
American Heart Assoc  (keywords: CharitiesMedical, general)
See where your charitable donation goes before you contribute. View mission/purpose, executive profiles, financial balance sheets (detailed revenue and expenses), actual IRS documents, tips, and more. Make an informed choice before parting with your cash. (2002-02)
Give  (keywords: Charities)
Guide star  (keywords: Charities)
Would you buy stocks based on a phone solicitation? But many cold phone calls result in donations to charities by unsuspecting givers. These sites assist in identifying truly deserving charities that spend your donations on promised services and not solely on administration. (2001-12)
Charity Watch  (keywords: Charities)
What is going on with your favorite celebrity? Well now you can find out. You will be able to get the latest breaking news on what is going on in the entertainment world. Check out what is going on in the lives of the stars and what is happening with their careers. (2001-11)
Page six  (keywords: Charities)
Online privacy continues to be a popular subject of conversation. To learn more about protecting yourself against cyber stalking, contact these sites. (2000-04)
Privacy Rights Clearing House  (keywords: Internet, security)
Women Halting Online Abuse  (keywords: Charities)

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