Consumers (11)

View complaints reported against companies by consumers. Add your own rip off experience. (2010-02)
Consumer complaints  (keywords: ConsumersShopping, general)
Edmunds hired an investigative reporter to go underground and get first hand experience living the life of a car salesman. Learn sales tricks used to increase profit, and how to avoid overpaying. (2004-04)
Confessions of a car salesman  (keywords: ConsumersShopping, vehicle)
Consumer Lab provides independent test results and information to help consumers and healthcare professionals evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products. Results are published here. (2004-01)
Consumer lab  (keywords: Consumers)
The Consumer Information Catalog (a.k.a. the “Pueblo” catalog) now offers most of their documents online for reading and downloading, in .PDF format. Click on “What's New@FCIC" for the latest additions. (2004-01)
Free newspaper and magazine offers  (keywords: ConsumersGovernment, general)
This site looks for the best product reviews, on and off the Internet, ranks them according to how well they identify a category's best products, and summarizes products that are top rated and best in their class into their Fast Answers. (2003-11)
Consumer search  (keywords: Consumers)
A collection of consumers' ratings of 4000 online computer product retailers. (2003-09)
Reseller ratings  (keywords: Consumers)
There was a recall on a playpen but was it one that we have at our home? Now you can check on the list of product recalls at the FDA web site. You will find a list of warranty recalls and product safety warnings. (2003-05)
Food and Drug Adm - recalls, withdrawals, and safety alerts  (keywords: ConsumersGovernment, general)
What was a dollar worth in 1892? Compare purchasing power, interest rates and other financial variables over the past century. Just fill in the blanks with your inquiry. (2001-12)
How much is it?  (keywords: ConsumersHistory, general)
Consumer World provides links to State, Local, and Federal Government Agencies, International Agencies and Organizations, Better Business Bureaus, Consumer Organizations and Professional Associations. (2001-01)
Consumer World - list of agencies  (keywords: Consumers)
Better Business Bureau: At this site you can check information on a specific company, you can file a complaint, and even receive assistance in dispute resolution. (2001-01)
Better Business Bureau  (keywords: ConsumersReference, generalRetail)
Several web sites assist consumers with complaints about products or services. Some will forward complaints to respective companies. (2000-06)
Better Business Bureau  (keywords: ConsumersReference, generalRetail)
You Get Heard  (keywords: Consumers)

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