
Web Page Reviews - 2004 - April

Edmunds hired an investigative reporter to go underground and get first hand experience living the life of a car salesman. Learn sales tricks used to increase profit, and how to avoid overpaying. (2004-04)
Confessions of a car salesman  (keywords: ConsumersShopping, vehicle)
The Micropolitan Museum exhibits the often overlooked works of art that are only visible through a microscope. The “museum floor plan” link is a good place to start. (2004-04)
Micropolitan Museum  (keywords: Art, generalMuseum, general)
This site offers understandable and accessible info about CD-R and CD-RW technology, including labeling, handling, and storage, plus recording hard/software and file system standards. (2004-04)
CD-R and CD-RW information  (keywords: CD/DVDComputers, general)
Let the Online Physician rate your physical condition. (2004-04)
The File Extension Resource offers searchable alphabetical listing of file extensions. Also check FAQ link for answers to common basic Windows confusions. (2004-04)
File Extension Source  (keywords: Computers, helpSoftware, general)
This site is difficult to describe, but must be seen. View complicated stick drawn constructions. Alter their shapes using direction, force, and gravity settings. Drag intersection points to create unusual movement. Change the date to see hundreds of contraptions. Sound is available. Broadband recommended! (2004-04)
View timeline of miscellaneous computing languages. Click on the timeline diagram to enlarge it and follow their creations and how they feed into each other. Also similar diagrams of Windows and Unix histories. (2004-04)
Time line of computer languages  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, general)
Time line of Windows  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, generalWindows, general)
Time line of Unix  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, generalUnix)
Lots of free printable posters. Educational, inspirational, for the work place, and just for fun. (2004-04)
Free online bowling with live players. (2004-04)
Visit the Post It Note Theater. (2004-04)
Post-It Note Theater  (keywords: Museum, general)
This site supplies science fiction fans with true scale impressions of their favorite science fiction spacecraft by comparing ships across genres, as well as with familiar contemporary objects. (2004-04)
Quick facts about the crisis in the Middle East. (2004-04)
Troubleshooting and resource guides for Win95/98/ME/XP. Lots of suggestions and explanations to help keep your system running smooth and fast. (2004-04)
Say it in binary. Play with encoding and decoding ASCII text. (2004-04)
Honda’s Collection Hall houses hundreds of their vintage passenger and racing automobiles and motorcycles. Many pictures and descriptions. (2004-04)
The Flash animations on this Vodafone site are rather interesting, as is their vision for the future of communication. (2004-04)
April fools family pranks and tricks. (2004-04)
Watch short movies, while waiting for a backup to finish. Broadband recommended. (2004-04)
Drag this guy carefully through the maze. Watch those blue lines, they can be electrifying. (2004-04)
Stress relief aquarium. (2004-04)
Aquarium  (keywords: PCs, entertainment)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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