
Web Page Reviews - 2017 - March

Panoramic views of and from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. (2017-03)
Eiffel Tower 360  (keywords: Photography, panorama)
Watch as hermit crabs trade living places. (4 min. video) (2017-03)
Hermit crabs  (keywords: Nature, general)
KDE explained: A look at Linux's most configurable desktop interface. (2017-03)
KDE explained  (keywords: Linux, distros)
Free spreadsheet that tracks your investments and suggests when it's time to rebalance your portfolio. It is in GoogleDocs format, but can be downloaded in .xlsx and .odc formats. Select File ...Download As..., and select your preferred file format. (2017-03)
Investment spreadsheet  (keywords: Finances, general)
How to clean up your messy Windows context menu -- the hard and easy ways. (2017-03)
Clean context menu  (keywords: Windows, features)
HP Photo Creations is free software that lets you easily create photo books, calendars, collages, greeting cards and other keepsakes that you can print at home or have shipped to you. (2017-03)
HP Photo Creations tool  (keywords: Software, photography)
A few ways to get photos off of your Android phone. Do it before your phone fails, or its memory fills up. (2017-03)
Photos from Android phone  (keywords: Android, general)
How to print from your Android device to any wireless printer. (8 min. video) (2017-03)
Print from Android device  (keywords: Android, general)
How to record phone calls on your Android phone -- And is it legal? (2017-03)
Record phone calls  (keywords: Android, general)
How to clear the page file with every shutdown in Windows 10. (2017-03)
Clear page file  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
What's the criteria to keep hackers out and keep your accounts safe? Here are six recommendations on how to create strong passwords. (2017-03)
Learn how to use some Windows 10 Power Tools in this MS video course covering tips, shortcuts, and top utilities for Windows 10. (Much of this is also applicable to Windows 7 and 8.1 .) (2017-03)
Windows 10 power tools  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, utilities)
Travelers who rely on public Wi-Fi networks or charging points are especially at risk of Cybercriminals attacking their devices. Here are seven tech travel dangers you need to know about. (2017-03)
Tech travel dangers  (keywords: Security, travel)
Experience the 3-year restoration and testing of the Canadian Pacific Railway's Royal Hudson 2816 steam locomotive, and its inaugural, and very scenic, run from Vancouver to Calgary. (Two 1-hour videos) (2017-03)
CPR Royal Hudson restoration  (keywords: Trains, general)
CPR Royal Hudson Inauguration  (keywords: Trains, general)
Sell me something weird or confusing. (2017-03)
Weird or confusing  (keywords: Finances, spendingInternet, entertainment)
What is a "zero-day" virus? How your anti-virus software could fail you. (2017-03)
Zero-day virus  (keywords: Computers, security)
13 disappearing laptop ports and how to get them back. (2017-03)
Defunct ports  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Sysinternals is a suite of 69 MS Windows utilities with troubleshooting tools and help files to maintain your computer. See the included readme.txt file for individual tool details. (2017-03)
Sysinternals tools  (keywords: Windows, features)
Mounting hard disks and partitions using the Linux command line (2017-03)
Mounting Linux disks  (keywords: Linux, general)
Free WizTree tool finds the largest files on your hard drive, with the option to sort every single file on your hard drive in order of size. (2017-03)
WizTree tool  (keywords: Windows, utilities)
How to digitize your cassette tape collection by transferring cassette tapes to your computer. (2017-03)
Digitize cassettes  (keywords: Music, cassettes)
The evolution of cell phone design between 1983-2009. Do any look familiar to you? (2017-03)
Cell phone evolution  (keywords: Phones, general)
How to upgrade to a new Linux Mint version. (Don't be too concerned that the sample screens are in German; just follow the instructions.) (2017-03)
Upgrade Linux Mint  (keywords: Linux, distros)
60 vintage cars found after 50 years of neglect on French farm. (Photos and a video.) (2017-03)
60 vintage cars  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Raspberry Pi: The smart person's guide. (2017-03)
Raspberry Pi guide  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
Free tools to split or merge music files. (2017-03)
Split/merge music  (keywords: Music, software)
Your wireless security could be at risk! Change your home router's default ID and password now. (2017-03)
Are you doing everything you can to protect your personal information and devices? Check out these three short videos; to see what you're doing right, and where your cyber habits might need some work. (2017-03)
Protect personal info  (keywords: Security, general)
Useful tips to cool down an overheating laptop. (2017-03)
Overheating laptop  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Do you have a bank account that has had no activity for as few as two years, and now it's officially 'abandoned' per the government? What to do? (2017-03)
Abandoned bank accounts  (keywords: Finances, personal)
Lock-picking videos and tools, reviews of locks, locks to avoid (don't buy!), threat zones around your home, and more about home security. (2017-03)
Lock safety  (keywords: Security, home)
Discover historic places and architecture across the U.S. (2017-03)
Historic US architecture  (keywords: Architecture, generalHistory, architecture)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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