
Web Page Reviews - 2023 - March

Is the storage full on your iOS device? Here's how to figure out what's taking up the most space on your iPhone and iPad so you can decide what to delete. (2023-03)
Monitoring iPhone/iPad storage  (keywords: Apple, general)
Lego Cake Factory - Stop Motion Cooking: Cats make strawberry sponge cake and chocolate cake in a Lego factory. (6-min. video) (2023-03)
Lego Cake Factory stop motion  (keywords: Video, slow motion)
Is Windows 12 on the horizon? It appears so, perhaps as early as late 2024. (2023-03)
Windows 12 in 2024?  (keywords: Windows, Windows 12)
How to enable Secure Private DNS on Android. (2023-03)
Secure Private DNS on Android  (keywords: Android, general)
Time-lapse video of an engineering marvel - the location and insertion of the pre-built Second Avenue Bridge over I-75 in Detroit in 2022. Note how the sun shadows move as the job is completed just before dusk. (2-min. video) (2023-03)
Installing Second Ave Bridge in Detroit in 2022  (keywords: Automotive, generalLocal, Detroit, general)
How the US Postal Service reads terrible handwriting. (8-miin. video) (2023-03)
USPS reads terrible handwriting  (keywords: Postal info)
Four things to do before selling or donating your Windows PC or laptop. (2023-03)
To do before selling/donating your Windows PC  (keywords: Windows, general)
How to bypass Internet restrictions and blocks, and view any website. (2023-03)
Bypass Internet censorship  (keywords: Internet, general)
What is the "God Mode" folder in Windows 10, and how do I enable it? (2023-03)
How to enable "God Mode" in Windows 10  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
How to activate "God Mode" on Windows 11 (2023-03)
How to enable "God Mode" in Windows 11  (keywords: Windows, Windows 11, features)
Why tiny cactus bugs in red food dye are a $35 billion industry. (14-min. video) (2023-03)
Tiny cactus bugs in red food dye  (keywords: Food, general)
How to change the default search engine in the your web browser's address bar. (2023-03)
Change default search engine in your web browser  (keywords: Internet, search engines)
Project HARP - A gun that was meant to fire all the way to space. (19-min. video) (2023-03)
Project HARP - space gun  (keywords: Space, general)
FPV drone flight up Matterhorn's epic Hornli ridge. (3-min. video) (2023-03)
Drone flight to Matterhorn Hornli ridge  (keywords: Drones)
Winamp 5.9 Final media player released. (2023-03)
Winamp 5.9 Final media player  (keywords: Windows, software)
Seven ways to speed up Ubuntu (Linux). (2023-03)
Speed up Ubuntu Linux  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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