
Web Page Reviews - 2003 - November

The Totally Unofficial Rap Dictionary's disclaimer states, "None of the terms in the dictionary represents an absolute truth. Meanings in the dictionary are there on a 'go until challenged by someone' basis". Some entries are not suitable for children. (2003-11) is an experiment in artificial intelligence. The program is very simple but its behavior is complex. People playing this game entered everything that it knows and all questions that it asks. (2003-11)
Rotten Tomatoes has grown to become a premier destination for both casual moviegoers and film buffs alike; a dependable resource and objective coverage of movies and videos, with more than 100,000 titles and 360,000 review links in its ever growing database. (2003-11)
Rotten tomatoes  (keywords: Movies, general)
Atmo offers a collection of amusing video clips of world leaders singing various memorable tunes. (Saddam Hussein singing John Lennon's "Imagine"??) (2003-11)
ATMO  (keywords: Humor, general)
This site looks for the best product reviews, on and off the Internet, ranks them according to how well they identify a category's best products, and summarizes products that are top rated and best in their class into their Fast Answers. (2003-11)
Consumer search  (keywords: Consumers)
This site's intention is to display the widest possible variety of pictures from the widest possible variety of sources to commemorate the events of 9/11. Hundreds of photos for free viewing. (2003-11)
This website is intended to be a clearinghouse of information on Michigan's highways, from easily recognized facts to the little known trivia. (2003-11)
Michigan highways  (keywords: Government, generalLocal, general)
On 10/23/02, Earth glided into a solar wind stream flowing from a large coronal hole. The solar wind velocity remained high for more than a week and solar wind gusts triggered auroras off and on. See fascinating photo galleries here. (2003-11)
Can't avoid the shopping bug? First, see what's on sale at retail stores this week in your state, and make appropriate plans of attack. (2003-11)
18 hole Mini-Putt golf course. It gets tougher.... (2003-11)
Installing Windows XP on a PC without a bootable CD-ROM drive? Here's where to get Windows XP Setup Boot Disks. (2003-11);en-us;310994
Mold, what it is, whether you have it, how to clean it, how to prevent it. (2003-11)
Mold tips  (keywords: Reference, general)
The place to come for answers about wild birds in your yard and around the corner. Identify a species by location, color, size, habitat and behavior. (2003-11)
Wild Birds  (keywords: Birds)
A searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth. (2003-11)
NASA - visible earth  (keywords: Government, generalSpace, general)
One traveler's collection of pictures of Germany and Austria. Castles, churches, towns, landscapes. (2003-11)
A unique satellite view of the earth. (2003-11)
Various classic computer museums. Where you can look at big plastic boxes with less processing power than a TV remote. (2003-11)
Obsolete Computer Museum  (keywords: History, generalMuseum, general)
Apple II history site, with hardware, timelines, peripherals, genealogy, books/magazines, and more. (2003-11)
Apple II history  (keywords: Computers, general)
Some mindless fun. Fly a helicopter through a maze. (2003-11)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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