Education, general (13)

Diverse selection of free, high quality online courses from some of the world's leading universities and other cultural institutions (primarily British universities). (2014-05)
FutureLearn  (keywords: Education, general)
Educational company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. Note: Quizzes and exams are included in some courses. (2013-12)
Coursera  (keywords: Education, general)
Math Bits is devoted to offering fun, yet challenging, lessons and activities in secondary and college level mathematics and computer programming for students and teachers. (2012-12)
MathBits  (keywords: Education, generalMathematics, general)
Library of over 2600 videos covering arithmetic to physics, science, finance, humanities, history and other topics, along with over 300 practice exercises. (2012-03)
Khan training  (keywords: Education, general)
UC Berkeley offers 40+ current college courses online in addition numerous prominent speaker and on campus event presentations, most with video accompaniment. (2011-02)
UC Berkeley courses  (keywords: Education, general)
Bored? Take some free online classes in Roman Architecture, or Organic Chemistry, or Computer Programming, or select from dozens of others, all from leading universities. (2010-04)
Online training  (keywords: Education, general)
45 free online computer science courses. (2009-11)
45 Courses  (keywords: Computers, trainingEducation, general)
Most often misspelled words and mispronounced words and phrases in English. (2006-01)
Bad English  (keywords: Education, generalLanguage, general)
Sources of American idioms. Find out why you say what you say. (2003-10)
Idiom site  (keywords: Education, generalIdioms)
It's another day at school. These sites may serve to be helpful with homework. (2002-09)
High school subjects  (keywords: Education, general)
History  (keywords: History, general)
These sites assist students in finding employment (summer and career). (2001-06)
Summer jobs  (keywords: Employment)
Petersons  (keywords: Education, general)
Are you a teacher, a parent, or one of the kids? You will find some useful information at Scholastic. They have lesson plans, interactive web activities and workshops for teachers. For the parents, there are ideas on how to help your kids to do better and how they can enjoy school more The kids can find the best books and games and so much more. (2000-09)
Scholastic  (keywords: Education, general)
Electron microscopy and light microscopy pictures are as fascinating as they are tiny. You haven't seen a garden spider or a mosquito until you've seen one illuminated and hued like this. (Maybe before you consider dinner…) (1999-12)
Kunkel microscopy  (keywords: Education, general)

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