Geography, general (9)

Explore the world. How many places can you identify? (2014-12)
Geo guesser  (keywords: Geography, general)
Where do I end up if I dig straight down? (2012-03)
Dig down  (keywords: Geography, general)
Pick a point on the globe and find the region on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. (2008-01)
Earth's opposite  (keywords: Geography, generalScience, earth sciences)
Test your global geography knowledge. (2006-05)
Geography quiz  (keywords: Games, generalGeography, generalPCs, entertainment)
CIA World Factbook knows just about everything about everyone. View/download Factbooks 2000 - 2005. (2005-06)
CIA World Facts  (keywords: Geography, generalGovernment, generalHistory, generalTrivia)
Learning about the world through photography. Over 140,000 photos, segregated geographically. (2005-05)
Trek Earth  (keywords: Geography, generalPhotography, galleries)
User friendly satellite mapping technology to search for places in the US and Canada. (2005-05)
Satellite mapping  (keywords: Geography, generalMaps, generalTravel, general)
How well do you know US geography? Play States web games here. (2005-05)
States web games  (keywords: Games, generalGeography, generalPCs, entertainment)
The goal of this project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. You can help. (2004-09)
Degree Confluence Project  (keywords: Geography, generalPhotography, general)

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