
Web Page Reviews - 2005 - October

It's late at night. Do you know what your icons are doing? (2005-10)
Museum of 2300 calculating devices. (2005-10)
Calculator museum  (keywords: Museum, technology)
Free online directory of age related discounts for people over 50 years of age. (2005-10)
Senior discounts  (keywords: Retirement, generalSeniors, generalShopping, seniors)
Vast collection of entertaining videos, sounds, pictures, text, and interactive content. (2005-10)
The BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) is everywhere! (2005-10)
99 rooms is a unique internet art project that interweaves wall painting, photography, animation, and sound in a unique manner. (2005-10)
99 Rooms  (keywords: Art, generalEntertainment, general)
Sears catalog from 1971. (2005-10)
Sears catalogs  (keywords: Museum, generalShopping, general)
Stories behind the graphics on the sides of U-Haul trucks. (2005-10)
U-Haul Art  (keywords: Travel, general)
Who'd have thought there was so much technical knowledge and creativity tied up in shoelaces? (2005-10)
Shoelace technology  (keywords: CuriosityFashion, shoes)
Metric calculators and conversion tables. (2005-10)
Metric conversions  (keywords: Measurements)
How NOT to install computer hardware. (2005-10)
Plan your trip to any National Park; search by name, geography, or category. (2005-10)
National Parks  (keywords: Travel, general)
Historic events and birthdays for any day. (2005-10)
Any day in history  (keywords: History, general)
Camcorder reviews and articles on video production and camcorder use. (2005-10)
Camcorder info  (keywords: Hobbies, generalPhotography, camcorders)
News, reviews, ratings, and buying tips for digital cameras. (2005-10)
Places you can visit when your PC drives you insane with hardware or software problems, glitches, etc. (2005-10)
PC Hell  (keywords: PCs, help)
Site provides a unique collection of small useful freeware utilities for security, network/system monitoring, password recovery; freeware links. (2005-10)
PC utilities  (keywords: PCs, utilities)
Gallery of obscure patents - owners, descriptions, diagrams, and animations. (2005-10)
Lists of heads of state and heads of government of all countries and territories, many dating back to 1700's. (2005-10)
Rulers of the world  (keywords: Government, generalHistory, general)
Gallery of historic patents - owners, descriptions, diagrams, and animations. (2005-10)
Should you be concerned about security aspects of public WiFi hotspots? One opinion. (2005-10)
Photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens. (2005-10)
Historic Athens  (keywords: History, generalPhotography, galleriesTravel, general)
Article describes how to use MS Driver Verifier to isolate and troubleshoot a driver in a Win2K, WinXP or Win2K3 Server system. (2005-10)
Troubleshoot Windows drivers  (keywords: PCs, help)
Exhibit of fifteen causes of color derived from a variety of physical and chemical mechanisms. (2005-10)
Graphical tutorial to using AdAware SE antispyware. (2005-10)
Local web site(s) of the month; sites of interest in and near SE Michigan. Look here each month for another interesting site from our area. (2005-10)
Online resource to living, working and playing in Michigan. (2005-10)
Michigan travel site  (keywords: Travel, MI)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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