
Web Page Reviews - 2007 - February

Custom Windows XP themes, fonts, screensavers, wallpaper. (2007-02)
Play classic games online - Tetris, Asteroids, Frogger, and more. (2007-02)
Classic games  (keywords: Games, online)
Freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (CD key) used to install MS Windows and Office from your registry. (2007-02)
Product Key  (keywords: Windows, general)
The Bible displayed through use of Lego building blocks. (2007-02)
Lego Bible  (keywords: Religion)
For hockey fans, a vast assortment of sports pins. Artistic, even without purchasing anything. (2007-02)
Zoom into a world map to view pictures of ports, marinas, lighthouses, inlets, locks, bridges, landmarks. (2007-02)
Port map  (keywords: Maps, satelliteTravel, map)
Cute overload - pictures of cute animals. (2007-02)
Cute pictures  (keywords: Animals, generalPhotography, nature)
Collection of toll free numbers. (2007-02)
Hubble Space Telescope high-quality photo galleries of outer space. (2007-02)
Don't bother going shopping, just cook with what you have - by the numbers. (2007-02)
A madhouse of movement. (2007-02)
Blue balls  (keywords: Curiosity)
Animal photo archive., thousands of pictures of all sorts. (2007-02)
Panoramic view of Mt. Everest. (2007-02)
Move mouse left to right over picture for time lapse photos of Toronto. (2007-02)
Display your artistic ability. Paint picture, hang in gallery, and view other creations. (2007-02)
What does 200 calories look like? (2007-02)
200 Calories  (keywords: Food, generalHealth, general)
Human world trivia. (2007-02)
Follow the instructions for an unusual visual sensation. (2007-02)
Strobe  (keywords: Illusions)
Free open source planetarium for your PC, showing a realistic sky in 3D - what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. (2007-02)
3D Planetarium  (keywords: Space, software)
Draw faces by adding facial components together. (2007-02)
Flash face  (keywords: Art, generalEntertainment, online, general)
Generate a custom packing list for any journey. (2007-02)
Packing list  (keywords: Travel, preparation)
Humorous animal photos - select 'Humor', then 'Humorous Animal Photos'. (2007-02)
Animal humor  (keywords: Humor, animalPhotography, animals)
Humorous turning of the tables on the telemarketer. (2007-02)
Create your own virtual guitar chords or learn to strum established ones. (2007-02)
Virtual guitar  (keywords: Art, musicEntertainment, online, generalMusic, general)
Workout programs with illustrated and animated exercise examples. (2007-02)
Training station  (keywords: Health, exercise)
Design and furnish rooms on adjustable floor grid. (2007-02)
Motorcycles of the 20th century - and beyond. 700 pictures. (2007-02)
Latest scientific findings from various exploration missions to the Red Planet, including video and photographic galleries transmitted by those missions. (2007-02)
Real time tracking of space station and satellites - military, radio, weather, other. (2007-02)
Satellite tracking  (keywords: Space, general)
Full size animal sculptures made of driftwood. (2007-02)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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