No need to go grocery shopping. Let's see what you can create with what is already in your kitchen. (2011-03)
With free membership, view over 200 video recipes and 300 cooking tips videos. (2010-04)
Pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions of thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. (2007-06)
Recipes (healthy and not so) and cooking tips, culinary dictionary, histories of various foods, herbs/spices, food safety, and more. (2005-05)
Gallery of Regrettable Food - vintage cookbook covers, pictures, ads, and oddities; savory horrors from the past. (2005-05)
These sites contain food and beverage recipes that mimic productions from well and lesser known restaurants and food manufacturers. (2003-10)
If you will be traveling to Louisiana you will find this site very useful for information on where to stay, where to eat, and what to do. You can also get information on what is new and fun, festivals and events, and there is even information on history and heritage. (2003-03)
Now for our food site. All different types of recipes from appetizers and main dishes to seafood and soup. This site will allow you to go in and indicate the number of servings and it will convert the recipe to give you the quantities you will need to make the perfect size dish for your group of hungry people. (2002-05)
It will soon be turkey time. If you are looking for a different way to prepare your turkey feast or just need help making the meal just a little better, Butterball, the turkey people, have some helpful ideas. (2001-11)
Do you crave T.G.I.'s cheese soup? Or is Double Tree's choc chip cookies your favorite? Or maybe Outback's Cinnamon Oblivion? Make 'em yourself with the recipes found here. Never a need to go out for dinner again! (2000-12)
Are you planning a party? I have just the spot to order those gourmet items such as Macadamia Chicken Tenders, lobster strudel triangles, and beef Wellington. Some what pricey, though. (1999-12)
Are you having just too many left over meals? Maybe you want something a little different for Christmas dinner. You can have a gourmet meal any time you want and without all the hassle. Give this site a try. (1999-12)
Are you into talk groups? Here is one site you can go to and get cooking questions answered or you can answer questions. There is a chef of the month and you can find the ultimate for recipes. There are over one million recipes. That's enough to provide you with a new daily recipe for the next 2,740 years. (1999-11)
So what goes good with wine? How about soup, stews, pastas, sauces and entrees? Try the recipes found at Holland House cooking wines and see how a little wine can perk up a recipe. (1999-11)
So what is all this healthy cooking about? Check out the site at Cooking Light and find out how really good some food can be while still being good for you. (Is it really possible? Yes it is!) (1999-11)
Store your favorite recipes in your very own recipe box. This box is provided at the Kraft web site. Find other things like recipe of the day, simple meal planner, tips of the day, cooking using what is in the house, and recipes by email. (1999-11)
From the Green Giant to Haagen Dazs and the Pillsbury Doughboy, stop by the Pillsbury site for some new recipes, information about this years Bake Off, or some of the Martha White recipes from over the last 100 years of southern cooking. You can even sign up to get great recipes emailed to you twice a month. (1999-11)